Ma’afret – The Awakening (33 min)

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
Ma’afret – The Awakening (33 min)
Programme Type
Ma’afret – The Awakening (33 min)
Based on creation myths of the Zoroastrians 
Created by Dadi D. Pudumjee 
Presented by The Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust
Music composed by Amit Bhavasar
Video recording of the programme presented as part of Threads of Continuity, The Everlasting Flame International Programme 2016 
(Collaboration: Parzor Foundation and Jiyo Parsi)

Contemporary Films from Spain

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
Contemporary Films from Spain
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
Contemporary Films from Spain 
Organised in collaboration with Cervantes Institute, New Delhi
A selection of contemporary films from Spain will be presented every Friday in September 2020. Made by young filmmakers, the selection presents two works of fiction and two documentaries, reflecting the creative versatility of the directors and also the way in which society has shaped their imagination.
Screenings will be held every Friday in September 2020 from 11:30 pm onwards. Vimeo links of the films will be made accessible for a period of 48 hours 
Friday, 25th September 2020 from 11:30 pm onwards
The Reconquest (La reconquista)
(103 min; 2016; Spanish with English subtitles)
Director: Jonás Trueba
Recipient of the Award for Best Director, Special Mention & Violette d’Or, Toulouse Cinespaña 2016; and Special Award, Turia Awards 2017
Manuela and Olmo meet in the future as they had promised fifteen years earlier as teenagers, when they lived their first love. La reconquista is a film about a quest for time; or about the awareness of time: of time lost and time recovered; about what we remember about ourselves and what we don't remember; about the words, gestures and feelings to which we remain faithful, because they define and compel us today, yesterday and tomorrow

In the Forest of My Soul’ – Beethoven and his Art

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
In the Forest of My Soul’ – Beethoven and his Art
Programme Type
In the Forest of My Soul’ – Beethoven and his Art
A series of concerts, films and talks to mark the 25th birth anniversary of the renowned composer Ludwig van Beethoven
Conceptualised by Justin McCarthy, pianist and Bharatanatyam artist/guru
Beethoven @250 – Recital 1 (58 min)
Piano recitals by three young Indian artists – Keya Kalra Gupta; Priya Ann Sequeira; and Anuvrat Choudha
In the Forest of My Soul’ – Beethoven and his Art

The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)
Programme Type

The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)

A walking dialogue through space and time with Anisha Shekhar Mukherji, conservation architect and author
The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila

The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)
Programme Type
The Most Magnificent Palace in the East’: The Lal Qila (48 min)
A walking dialogue through space and time with Anisha Shekhar Mukherji, conservation architect and author

Hindustani Vocal Recital (29 min)

21 September 2020, 05:30 am
Hindustani Vocal Recital (29 min)
Programme Type
Hindustani Vocal Recital (29 min)
By Mitali Sengupta from Kolkata, disciple of Sangitacharya Nutu Mukhopadhyay
Followed by
Sattriya Recital (30 min)
By Meernanda Barthakur from Guwahati, disciple of Shri Jatin Goswami

BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP- The Haunting Himalayas

21 September 2020, 04:00 pm
BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP- The Haunting Himalayas
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
The Haunting Himalayas
By Rajni Sekhri Sibal (New Delhi: HarAnand Books, 2020)
Discussants: Prof. Shormistha Panja, Professor of English, University of Delhi;
Ms Richa Mishra, journalist,The Hindu Business Line; and Ms Rajni Sekhri Sibal, writer,
civil servant and author of the book
Chair: Shri Gurcharan Das
The Haunting Himalayas is a collection of esoteric stories set against the
backdrop of pine forests and quaint towns and villages nestled in the Himalayas

To register, kindly please register on the below:


Education for Artisans: Past, Present and Future

18 September 2020, 05:30 am
Education for Artisans: Past, Present and Future
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Education for Artisans: Past, Present and Future
Speakers: Judy Frater, Founder, Kala Raksha Vidhyalaya (KRV), the first design school in India for traditional artisans; In 2014 she set up the Somaiya Kala Vidya  institutionally enlarging the education and expanding it to others regions.
Prakash Naran Siju, carpet weaver, graduate of KRV, and advisor of Somaiya Kala Vidya; Jaspal Kalra, design
academician and social entrepreneur. Founding member and Executive Director, Kalhath Institute, Lucknow;
Ashoke Chatterjee, former Executive Director, National Institute of Design, and Trustee, Prabhat Education Foundation,
Ahmedabad; and Shobita Punja, writer, educator, thinker and teacher
Moderator: Ms Ritu Sethi, Editor, Global InCH Journal of intangible Cultural Heritage and Asia InCH encyclopedia;
and Founder-Trustee, Craft Revival Trust

To register, Kindly please click on the below link:
In the light of the Government of India’s National Education Policy 2020, the discussion will explore educational
avenues for traditional artisans. The discussants will examine educational paradigms where traditional oral
learning and apprenticeships have been deepened and extended through the layering-on of formal education for artisans
(Collaboration: Craft Revival Trust; and Global InCh Journal)


IIC Quarterly Release

16 September 2020, 05:30 am
IIC Quarterly Release
Programme Type
IIC Quarterly Release
Release of the Winter 2019 & Spring 2020 Special issue of the IIC Quarterly,  The Crisis of Climate Change
Edited by Ravi Agarwal and Omita Goyal
Introduction: Dr. Karan Singh, politician, philanthropist, poet, educationist and environmentalist.  Member of the Rajya Sabha from 2000 to 2018  He is Chairman, IIC Editorial Board
Followed by a panel discussion
Speakers: Nagraj Adve who works and writes on the science, impacts and politics of global warming. His booklet, Global Warming in the Indian Context: An Introductory Overview (2019) has been translated into Hindi, Kannada, and Tamil; and Ruchira Talukdar, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia 
Moderator: Ravi Agarwal, Founder-Director, Toxics Link and established artist, writer, and curator
This collection seeks to not only outline the specific conditions and responses to  climate change in India, but also takes an unusual ground-up approach of including voices of those who are researching landscapes and observing changes in them, across disciplines and practices.  

Due unavoidable circumstances, the above webinar is postponed until further notice.

IIC Quarterly Release

16 September 2020, 05:30 am
IIC Quarterly Release
Programme Type
IIC Quarterly Release
Release of the Winter 2019 & Spring 2020 Special issue of the IIC Quarterly,  The Crisis of Climate Change
Edited by Ravi Agarwal and Omita Goyal
Introduction: Dr. Karan Singh
Followed by a panel discussion
Speakers: Nagraj Adve who works and writes on the science, impacts and politics of global warming. His booklet, Global Warming in the Indian Context: An Introductory Overview (2019) has been translated into Hindi, Kannada, and Tamil; and Ruchira Talukdar, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia 
Moderator: Ravi Agarwal, Founder-Director, Toxics Link and established artist, writer, and curator
This collection seeks to not only outline the specific conditions and responses to  climate change in India, but also takes an unusual ground-up approach of including voices of those who are researching landscapes and observing changes in them, across disciplines and practices.  
You are cordially invited to join the Webinar and contribute to the discussion that follows. Advance registration is mandatory for those wishing ask questions during the Webinar session. Those registered will be sent a password to access the session. Please find attached the Webinar Notice for your reference.
Kindly please click on the registration link below: