THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LECTURES Networks: An Integrative Theme in the Natural and Social Sciences

01 October 2014, 05:30 am
THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LECTURES Networks: An Integrative Theme in the Natural and Social Sciences
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
Networks: An Integrative Theme in the Natural and Social Sciences (80 min)
Speaker: Professor Sanjay Jain, Professor of Physics, University of Delhi
Chair: Prof. Ajoy Ghatak, former Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Networks underlie some of the most fascinating phenomena around us: life, society, and thought. The study of these networks is part of a new movement in science that respects the essential indivisibility of the complex systems that exhibit these phenomena and attempts to understand them as wholes and not just as the sum of their parts. The talk gives some examples of this - networks of molecules in living organisms; of species in ecosystems; social and economic networks in societies; neural networks in brains; and also describes how their study is breaking down barriers between disciplines. An example of how such an approach helps illuminate the origin of life will be discussed.
Webcast recording of the IIC programme held on 1st October 2014

Pot o’Gold (USA)

28 September 2020, 05:30 am
Pot o’Gold (USA)
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
Pot o’Gold (USA)
(86 min; 1941; b/w; English)
Director: George Marshall
With James Stewart, Paulette Godard, Horace Heidt
Jimmy, the owner of a failed music shop, goes to work with his uncle, the owner of a food factory. Before he gets there, he befriends an Irish family who happens to be his uncle's worst enemy because of their love for music and an in-house band who constantly practices. Soon, Jimmy finds himself trying to help the band by getting them gigs and trying to reconcile the family with his uncle, an avid music hater, all while winning the heart of the beautiful Molly
Film source: Internet Archive

Odissi Recital

28 September 2020, 05:30 am
Odissi Recital
Programme Type
Odissi Recital
By Vrinda Chadha from Delhi, disciple of Smt Ranjana Gauhar
Video recording of a recital for IIC


28 September 2020, 05:30 am
Programme Type
Palermo: A Virtual Tour (37 min)
A virtual tour of the ancient city of Palermo conducted by Angelina Jimbo
Palermo, capital of Sicily has been at the crossroads of civilizations for millennia. A city at the edge of Europe and at the centre of the ancient world, presents a heady, heavily spiced mix of Byzantine mosaics, Arabesque domes, baroque churches, frescoed cupolas and where date palms frame Gothic palaces
An initiative of the Italian Embassy Cultural Centre, New Delhi and Bell’Italia 88

The Man Behind the Mask: Dadi D. Pudumjee and His Magical World

28 September 2020, 05:30 am
The Man Behind the Mask: Dadi D. Pudumjee and His Magical World
Programme Type
The Man Behind the Mask: Dadi D. Pudumjee and His Magical World
Dadi D. Pudumjee, Founder, Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust in conversation with Sanjoy Roy, Managing Director, Teamwork Arts
Video recording of the conversation organised in collaboration with Parzor Foundation and Jiyo Parsi

NEIGHBOURHOOD FIRST SERIES Restoring India-Nepal Relations: What Steps to Take

28 September 2020, 04:00 pm
NEIGHBOURHOOD FIRST SERIES Restoring India-Nepal Relations: What Steps to Take
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts

Restoring India-Nepal Relations: What Steps to Take

Speakers: Amb. Bekh Bahadur Thapa, former Ambassador of Nepal to India; 
Amb. Ranjit Rae, former Indian Ambassador to Nepal; and Maj. Gen. (Redt.) Ashok K. Mehta
Moderator: Maj. Gen. Ashok K. Mehta
India-Nepal relations are at one of their lowest points; but not as bad as in 2015.  Both countries have enjoyed excellent relations as two closet neighbours with open borders and shared history, geography, culture, religion and people to people ties beyond compare. The recent slide has to be arrested and relations restored to even keel between the two sovereign nations

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Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Solidarity Movement in Poland

28 September 2020, 05:30 am
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Solidarity Movement in Poland
Programme Type
Films and Exhibitions
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Solidarity Movement in Poland
An exhibition of photographs and texts on the first independent trade union movement which contributed to the collapse of communism and brought to an end the world’s cold war divisions. The exhibition delineates the rise of the Solidarity Trade Union and the historic 31st August 1980 signing of the August Agreement
On view in the Quadrangle Garden, from 21st September to 4th October 2020
(Collaboration: Polish Institute, New Delhi)

Jain Architecture in Eastern India

26 September 2020, 05:30 am
Jain Architecture in Eastern India
Programme Type
Jain Architecture in Eastern India
Illustrated lecture by Dr. Lata Bothra, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Bharatiya Siksha Parishad, Lucknow, and D.Litt from the Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage, Kolkata. Her special interests have been in the ancient archaeological specimens, cultural and philosophical aspects of Jainism
Special Guest: Prof. Neeru Misra
Lectures in Jain Art organised in collaboration with Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology
The Webinar can be accessed on: Zoom ID: 81295409416, Password: 3131

The New National Education Policy 2020

25 September 2020, 04:00 pm
The New National Education Policy 2020
Programme Type
Discussions, Webcasts
The New National Education Policy 2020

Speakers: Prof. Anurag Behar, CEO, Azim Premji Foundation, Chief Sustainability Officer of Wipro Limited & Vice Chancellor, Azim Premji University; Prof. Krishna Kumar, former Professor of Education, University of Delhi and former Director of National Council of Educational Research and Training; and Prof. Shyam B. Menon, Professor of Education, Central Institute of Education, University of Delhi and former Vice-Chancellor, Ambedkar University
Discussants: Shri Amitabha Bhattacharya, retired IAS Officer and formerly with UNDP
Chair: Shri N.N. Vohra, President, IIC

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MAPPING SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE WTO Negotiations and Indian Agriculture: Issues and Sensitivities

23 September 2020, 04:00 pm
MAPPING SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE WTO Negotiations and Indian Agriculture: Issues and Sensitivities
Programme Type
Talks, Webcasts
WTO Negotiations and Indian Agriculture: Issues and Sensitivities
Speaker: Prof. Sachin Kumar Sharma, Associate Professor, Centre for WTO Studies, IIFT, New Delhi
Moderator: Shri Siraj Hussain, Visiting Senior Fellow, ICRIER

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