Continental Lunch on Sunday, 1st March 2020 at the Annexe Court

Continental Lunch on Sunday, 1st March 2020 at the Annexe Court
Start Date
26 February 2020, 12:00 am
Day & Date: Sunday, 01st March 2020
Venue:  India International Centre, Annexe

Dear Member,
India International Centre is organizing a Member’s special lunch “Continental Lunch”  on Sunday, 1st March 2020 at the Annexe Court. Lunch will start at 12.30 hours.
Members are requested to make advance bookings with the Centralized Booking Office on 24609369/ 24609451/ 24609379 and 9717339944 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on all working days or send an email to   /  Please note, reservations will be made on a first-come-first served basis. At the request of members, the restrictions on the number of guests accompanying have been eased.    If required, a Member may be requested to share a table with other Members to ensure the best utilization of seating capacity. 
Cancellation of bookings after 29th February 2020 will not be entertained. Members can book by paying in advance or pay at the venue using their Smart Card, Debit/Credit Cards or cash.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Rajiv Mehta)
Manager Catering



Rocket and olive salad
Watermelon and cheese salad
Smoked chicken salad
Potage solferino
Main Course
Stuffed leg of lamb with red wine sauce
Fish cardinal
Ratatouille pancake
Mushroom and red pepper sauce
Spinach roulade
Vegetable stroganoff
Tomato and cheese quiche
Lyonnaise potatoes
Assorted bread
Buttered rice
Fruit savarin  
Gooseberry ice cream
Rate Rs 700/- per person
 (All Inclusive)



Special lunch “AN ASIAN BASKET” on Sunday, 23rd February 2020 at the Annexe Court.

Special lunch “AN ASIAN BASKET” on Sunday, 23rd February 2020 at the Annexe Court.
Start Date
19 February 2020, 12:00 am
Day & Date: Sunday, 23rd February 2020
Venue:  India International Centre, , Annexe Court

Dear Member,
India International Centre is organizing a Member’s special lunch “AN ASIAN BASKET” on Sunday, 23rd February 2020 at the Annexe Court. Lunch will start at 12.30 hours.
Members are requested to make advance bookings with the Centralized Booking Office on 24609369 / 24609451 / 24609379 and 9717339944 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on all working days or send an email to   /  Please note, reservations will be made on a first-come-first served basis. At the request of members, the restrictions on the number of guest accompanying has been eased.    If required, a Member may be requested to share a table with other Members to ensure the best utilization of seating capacity. 
Cancellation of bookings after 22nd February 2020 will not be entertained. Members can book by paying in advance or pay at the venue using their Smart Card, Debit/Credit Cards or cash.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Rajiv Mehta)
Manager Catering



              Oriental crispy noodles salad
Chinese chilli leafy kimchi salad
Tom kha gai
Dim sum
Vegetarian and non-vegetarian
Japanese vegetable tempura
Main Course
Massaman chicken curry
Burmese nga sipyan fish
(Burmese tomato fish curry)
Japanese rice balls with sweet potatoes and Asparagus filling
Drunken pad Thai noodles
Thai pad pak boong
Tao hoo song kreung curry
Galangal lemongrass steam rice
Asian mango jujubes
Banana custard eclairs
Rate Rs 700 per head
 (All Inclusive)



Continental Barbeque Food Lunch on Sunday, 16th February 2020 at Rose Garden

Continental Barbeque Food Lunch on Sunday, 16th February 2020 at Rose Garden
Start Date
12 February 2020, 12:00 am
Day & Date: Sunday, 16th February 2020
Venue:  India International Centre, Rose Garden 

Dear Member,
India International Centre is organizing a special Continental Barbeque Food, on Sunday, 16th February 2020 in the Rose Garden. Lunch will start at 12.30 hours.
 Members are requested to make advance bookings with the Centralised Booking Office on 24609377/ 24609378/ 24609379 or Mob- 9717339944 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on all working days or send an email to and Please note; reservations will be made on a first-come-first served basis. At the request of members, the restrictions on the number of guest accompanying has been eased.  If required, a Member may be requested to share a table with other Members to ensure the best utilization of seating capacity. 
Cancellation of bookings after 15th February 2020 will not be entertained. Members can book by paying in advance or pay at the venue using their Smart Card or Debit/Credit Cards.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Rajiv Mehta)
Manager Catering


Garden greens with lettuce
Potato salad
Main Course
Grilled black pomfret with barbeque sauce
Chicken wings teriyaki
Apricot and rosemary spit roasted leg of lamb
Tomato with zucchini filling
Mushroom with lemon herb butter
Cheese spinach potato
Marinated vegetable kebab
Boston baked beans
Sweetcorn and cucumber relish with barbeque sauce
Pumpkin damper
Olive nut loaf
Lime and gin mousse
Chocolate meringue
Rate 750 per person
(all inclusive)


Service Cleaning of Grease Trap Chamber at Main Centre 2020

Service Cleaning of Grease Trap Chamber at Main Centre 2020
Start Date
12 February 2020, 12:00 am
Service Cleaning of Grease Trap Chamber at Main Centre

Dear Sir,
  1. Sealed offers are invited for the cleaning of Grease Trap Chamber at Main Centre as per enclosed annexures.
  2. The offer shall be in the prescribed form in accordance with the enclosed terms and   condition of the works. 
  3. Submission of the offer by a bidder implies that he has inspected the site and is fully aware of the site conditions. 
  4. Sealed offers shall be received by Purchase officer , on or before 25.2.2020 
  5. The owners reserve to themselves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the offer and bidder shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates.

Design, Supply, Installation, and Testing and CCTV 2020

Design, Supply, Installation, and Testing and CCTV 2020
Start Date
12 February 2020, 12:00 am
Design, Supply, Installation, and Testing and CCTV

Postponement of date of receipt of Tender for Design, Supply, Installation and Testing and Commissioning of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), system at Main & Annexe Building, India International Centre.

The date of receipt of Tender 25/02/2020 is postponed now to 1700 hrs. 03/03/2020 

Sealed offers are invited by the HMD, INDIA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, 40,  Max Mueller Marg  New Delhi 110003 for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system at Main & Annexe Building.
Sealed tenders are to be submitted in two parts namely; (1) Technical Bid and (2) Price Bid. Both bids are to be submitted simultaneously on the same date. First, the Technical Bids shall be opened and evaluated based on the evaluation, the bidders shall be declared technically qualified. Thereafter, Financial Bids of only those bidders shall be opened who have been decided technically qualified.
The offer should be sent to the HMD, INDIA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE on or before  1700 hrs, 25th Feb 2020. Rates may be indicated as per the specifications given in the enclosed lists. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days
Offers should be submitted complete in all respects.
The firms are advised to inspect the site, ground conditions and detailed architectural and civil drawings to make themselves fully aware of the scope of work, terms and conditions as also the conditions under which the Closed-Circuit Television CCTV) are to be installed.  No claim for any extra payment of any kind on account of lack of information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their offers shall be entertained after the award of the work.
The rates should be quoted neatly both in figures and in words.  In case of discrepancy in the rates quoted in words and figures, rates quoted in words shall prevail.
The firm shall keep his offer open for acceptance for 90 days from the date it is opened.
A Firm who does not fulfill all or any of the instructions contained in the offer or any term or condition in this offer or conditions not covered and/or contemplated by the terms and conditions of this contract, shall be liable to be rejected. 
IIC shall reserve the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons.

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the CCTV Cameras Comprehensive & non-comprehensive type

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the CCTV Cameras Comprehensive & non-comprehensive type
Start Date
11 February 2020, 12:00 am
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the CCTV Cameras Comprehensive &  non-comprehensive type 

Dear Sir,
1.       I/We* have read and examined the offer documents relating to the above said work, which is consisting of:
  1. Instructions to Contractors
  2. Scope of Work
  3. General Conditions of Contract
  4. Location detail of camera
  5. Financial bid form – Comprehensive AMC
  6. Financial bid form – Non Comprehensive AMC
2.       I/We* hereby submit my/our* offer for providing Annual Maintenance Contract for the CCTV Cameras Comprehensive & Non Comprehensive type at India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, Lodi Estate, New Delhi-110003 (Main Centre + Annexe) for the complex referred to in the aforesaid documents, upon the terms & conditions contained or referred to therein, and in accordance to and in all respects of specifications and instructions issued from time to time at the rates quoted for the services in the financial bid form during the period set out in the tender documents.
3.       I/We* hereby undertake to keep my/our* offer valid for a period of 3 months from the date of opening of offer.
4.       I/We* hereby further undertake, that during the said period, I/We* shall not vary, alter or revoke my/our* tender.
5.       Should this offer be accepted, I/We* hereby agree to abide by, and fulfill all the terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid tender documents.
6.       I/We* understand, that IIC is - not bound to accept lowest offer or not bound to assign any reason for rejecting my/our*offer.


Start Date
11 February 2020, 12:00 am

Dear Sir,
1.         Sealed Tender is invited for the services against the above mentioned category of the contract for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.
2.         You may quote for the services to be rendered as per Annexure-A, One Rate, without preconditions. All pages of the Tender form are to be stamped and signed.
3.         Bidder can download the document and further amendments, from the IIC website( and submit the same to IIC in a sealed envelope super-scribing on it “Tender for ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT FOR SECURITY SERVICES” so as to reach “Purchase Officer, India International Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003” on or before 25st February, 2020 at 17:00 Hrs. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days.
4.         Check list provided in the Tender form is mandatory to be filled by the vendor by attaching all the required documents as asked for.
5.         Please note that the Centre reserves the right to accept or reject any of the Tender in part or whole or all the Tenders without assigning any reason, nor is it bound to accept the lowest quotation & to divide the same between a numbers of suppliers without any liability on its part.
6.         Late, incomplete, conditional, false, fictitious tenders or Tenders without deposit will be summarily rejected.
7.         Please read the detailed services as required to be rendered by the vendor, which form part of this tender document at Annexure ‘B’ and Terms and conditions at Annexure ‘C’ as the same are to be accepted by the Tenderer.


Start Date
11 February 2020, 12:00 am

Dear Sir,
1.         Sealed Tender is invited for the services against the above mentioned category of the contract for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.
2.         You may quote for the items to be supplied as per Annexure-A, One Rate, without preconditions. All pages of the Tender form are to be stamped and signed.
3.         Bidder can download the document and further amendments, from the IIC website ( and submit the same to IIC in a sealed envelope super-scribing on it “Tender for SUPPLY OF PRINTER CARTRIDGES/TONNER AND RIBBON” so as to reach “Purchase Officer, India International Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003” on or before 25st February, 2020 at 17:00 Hrs. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days..
4.         Check list provided in the Tender form is mandatory to be filled by the vendor by attaching all the required documents as asked for.
5.         Please note that the Centre reserves the right to accept or reject any of the Tender in part or whole or all the Tenders without assigning any reason, nor is it bound to accept the lowest quotation & to divide the same between a numbers of suppliers without any liability on its part.
6.         Late, incomplete, conditional, false, fictitious tenders or Tenders without deposit will be summarily rejected. Samples as required for checking at the Centre will be supplied by the vendor free of cost.
7.       Please read the detailed services as required to be rendered by the vendor, which form part of this tender document at Annexure ‘B’ and Terms and conditions at Annexure ‘C’ as the same are to be accepted by the Tenderer


Start Date
11 February 2020, 12:00 am


Dear Sir,
1.         Sealed Tender is invited for the supply of items against the above-mentioned category of the contract for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.
2.         You may quote for the items to be supplied as per Annexure-A, One Rate, without preconditions. All pages of the Tender form are to be stamped and signed.
3.         Bidder can download the document and further amendments, from the IIC website ( and submit the same to IIC in a sealed envelope super-scribing on it “Tender for SUPPLY OF PACKING BOXES” so as to reach “Purchase Officer, India International Centre, 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003” on or before  25st February, 2020 at 17:00 Hrs. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days.
4.         Check list provided in the Tender form is mandatory to be filled by the vendor by attaching all the required documents as asked for.
5.         Please note that the Centre reserves the right to accept or reject any of the Tender in part or whole or all the Tenders without assigning any reason, nor is it bound to accept the lowest quotation & to divide the same between a numbers of suppliers without any liability on its part.
6.         Late, incomplete, conditional, false, fictitious tenders or Tenders without deposit will be summarily rejected. Samples as required for checking at the Centre will be supplied by the vendor free of cost.
7.         All Tenders should comply with the provision of New Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.
8.         Please read the detailed terms and conditions, which form part of this tender document at Annexure-B, as the same are to be accepted by the Tenderer.